— Wisdom in the Woods —

The Woodlot Association of Manitoba (WAM) promotes “wisdom in the woods” for its members and for the public through:

  • education,
  • advocacy, and
  • opportunity.

EAB FAQs: understanding the rules and regulations

EAB insect websize 2Click on the green bug! On November 30, 2017, the Emerald Ash Borer (EAB) was detected and confirmed in Winnipeg. This will have far-reaching implications for woodlot owners and homeowners. Learn about how the EAB infestation will affect you.

 Wild Food Report 2015: WAM has produced a comprehensive report on issues related WFFF Report 2015 FP1 copyto the availability and marketing of wild foods in Manitoba. Read the report here.


Canada’s private forest groups merge to amplify owners’ voices

By Sheilla Jones Canada’s small and large private forest owners groups have turned up the volume of their voices in Ottawa on issues such as forestry policy and national tree-planting programs. Effective September 1, 2020, the Canadian Federation of Woodlot Owners (CFWO) and the Canadian Association of Forest Owners (CFAO) merged to create the Canadian […]

Video: Woodlot silviculture and saving plan

Woodlot owners of Canada are asking for a personal silviculture savings and investment plan to shelter some of their income from wood sales from taxes, to carry out other silviculture work needed for the growth of the forest in the following years. The Quebec Federation of Forest Owners and the Quebec Farmers Union have produced […]

IIED remembers Peter DeMarsh

By Duncan Macqueen Words can never do justice to the life of a man – especially a good man. It is therefore with a sense of great inadequacy and sadness that we have here to remember the life of Peter DeMarsh, who died in last Sunday morning’s Ethiopian Airways crash. Peter inspired those around him […]

WAM mourns death of Peter de Marsh

The Woodlot Association of Manitoba joins woodlot owners and family foresters across the country in mourning the death of Peter de Marsh, the president of the Canadian Federation of Woodlot Owners. Peter was one of the eighteen Canadians among the 157 people killed when an Ethiopians Airlines plane crashed on Sunday, March 10, 2019. The […]

CFWO: MB woodlot owners need to make voices heard

The Canadian Federation of Woodlot Owners (CFWO) is calling on Manitoba woodlot owners to voice their support for three national initiatives that directly affect their businesses. The CFWO is fighting for a softwood tariff exemption on sawlogs from private woodlots, a silviculture savings plan for woodlot owners, and a national tree-planting program.   CFWO says […]
